Enhancing reflective capacity.

Improving relationships. Improving lives.

Research shows that improving your reflective capacity—the ability to reflect on and understand your experiences—helps improve relationships and mental health.

The more challenging the obstacles you face in your life, the more important it is to understand how your reactions and behavior drive the outcomes.

Change begins with a therapist who can help you develop your reflective capacities.

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Dr. Wendy Denham

Therapy services for parents, children, and adults

Dr. Denham is a clinical psychologist with twenty years’ experience teaching skills that help children, adults, and even organizations improve their reflective capacities and achieve their goals.

Because every person and situation is different, Dr. Denham works with people in a variety of ways: through ongoing therapy, coaching, and mentoring, both in-person and via technology.

About Dr. Wendy Denham

Wendy Denham